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Tough Thing Quotes

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Tough Thing quote #1
Tough Thing quote #2

Poets are like baseball pitchers. Both have their moments. The intervals are the tough things.

Tags: Baseball, Both, Tough  ✍ Author: Robert Frost

The tough thing about radio is I've met a lot of people in it who like my music. But it's hard for them to figure out how to play what they like when there's somebody up above them yelling 'you have to play this.'

Tags: Hard, Music, Tough  ✍ Author: Chris Isaak

You have to always continue to strive no matter how hard things get, no matter how troubled you feel. No matter how tough things get, no matter how many times you lose, you keep trying to win.

Tags: Hard, Trying, Win  ✍ Author: LL Cool J

The really tough thing would have been to decide to take Woodward and Bernstein off the story. They were carrying the coal for us - in that their stories were right.

Tags: Off, Story, Tough  ✍ Author: Ben Bradlee

One of the tough things about being an actor, probably the hardest thing, is getting your foot in the door, and my father handled that for me at a very early age.

Tags: Age, Father, Tough  ✍ Author: Jeff Bridges

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Tough Thing quote #2
Tough Thing quote #2
Tough Thing quote #2
Tough Thing quote #2
Tough Thing quote #2

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