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Young Talent Quotes

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Young Talent quote #1
Young Talent quote #2

At least, in this situation, I know my chances of coming back could be slim because of the young talent the Yankees do have.

Tags: Situation, Talent, Young  ✍ Author: Johnny Damon

The great thing is that young talent isn't tied to a how-to model for starting a line; we get to find new ways to go about doing things. And don't let people tell you you can't. Go find a way to show that you can.

Tags: Great, Tell, Young  ✍ Author: Paul Waner

I can never do better than Fawlty Towers whatever I do. Now I very much want to teach young talent some rules of the game.

Tags: Game, Whatever, Young  ✍ Author: John Cleese

I'm not sure there are enough coaches in the system that can take young talent and consistently get them into the top five in the world.

Tags: Enough, Talent, Young  ✍ Author: Sebastian Coe

Soap operas are such a great way to break-in to the industry. The diminishing landscape of daytime TV means it's going to be harder for young talent to get discovered.

Tags: Great, Talent, Young  ✍ Author: Josh Duhamel

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Young Talent quote #2
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Young Talent quote #2
Young Talent quote #2
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