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Barton Seaver's Quotes

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Born: 1979-04-12
Profession: Chef
Nation: American
Biography of Barton Seaver

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Barton Seaver's quote #4

Grilling is an easy tradition to start at any age! To get started, one only needs a modest investment in equipment and a little bit of outdoor space.

Tags: Age, Easy, Start

Restaurants stress the protein. People read menu items left to right, with the protein first. I read descriptions right to left.

Tags: Left, Read, Stress

Why are fish unsustainable? Because they're popular. What makes restaurants work? Popular dishes that people come back for.

Tags: Makes, Why, Work

80 percent of our global fish stocks are fully exploited, overly exploited or have collapsed. Two billion people rely on the oceans for their primary source of protein.

Tags: Fish, Percent, Source

By thinking through the grilling process while still in the kitchen, you can easily gather all of the items that you might need and conveniently carry them to the outdoors area.

Tags: Might, Thinking, While

The key to good grilling is to recognize that you are setting yourself up to cook in a whole new environment. This is actually one of the main purposes of grilling - to get yourself outside.

Tags: Good, Whole, Yourself

We've become slaves to words like 'local,' 'fresh,' and 'seasonal.' We all want to be Thomas Jefferson's agrarian hero, but sustainable food is a difficult beast.

Tags: Food, Hero, Words

While there are many varieties of grills, each with their own virtues to be sure, I prefer the standard Weber kettle grill. Don't be fooled into thinking that you need any fancy gadgets in order to take advantage of cooking over a live fire. Just a good set of tongs and you're set.

Tags: Fire, Good, Thinking
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