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David Duval's Profile

Brief about David Duval: By info that we know David Duval was born at 1971-11-09. And also David Duval is American Athlete.

Some David Duval's quotes. Goto "David Duval's quotation" section for more.

I slowly continued to compensate for the physical problems I was having and ended up completely destroying my swing, my set-up, my posture. Everything was gone.

Tags: Gone, Physical, Problems

I was in the middle of the golf tournament trying to make birdies and I was just having a blast. So that probably qualifies as having a greater appreciation.

Tags: Golf, Greater, Trying

We might not make what athletes in other sports make, but we have greater longevity and we do have certain freedoms to do things they can't do. Like stay home one week and play the next week.

Tags: Home, Might, Sports

What I'm saying is that, unlike a lot of portrayals of me, I'm not hiding behind the sunglasses. I'm out there working. I'm not trying to sell anybody anything, but I do realize we're entertainers.

Tags: Saying, Trying, Working

You don't have to hit perfect shots all the time here. The variety of shots you get to play, the shots you sometimes have to hit along the ground, it's just a lot of fun to me.

Tags: Fun, Perfect, Time

I think about what I say. I don't give stock answers. I'm not trying to cultivate an image with the public, like several of the top players do.

Tags: Give, Public, Trying

And if people do like me, I think it's because I'm a stand-up guy.

Tags: Guy

At the U.S. Open, you're going to make bogeys.

Tags: Open

But just like I've always said when people complain about tee times, 'I just want a tee time. Just give me one so I can play.'

Tags: Give, Said, Time

But more than that, I wanted my wife and my family to see how I can actually play this game. They haven't seen me at my best, and I want them to.

Tags: Best, Family, Wife

But you know, I'm just not a quitter.

Tags: Quitter

Confidence is such a fragile and precious thing.

Tags: Confidence, Fragile, Precious

I know the other side. I know what awful golf is.

Tags: Awful, Golf, Side

I love competing.

Tags: Competing, Love

I may not look it when I'm playing, but I think I'm a fun guy to hang with when I'm relaxing.

Tags: Fun, May, Playing

I went to Q-school knowing that I could play well and get through.

Tags: Knowing

I'm content. I want to have better success in the tournaments than I've had, but I know I'm playing well, so I'm happy with that.

Tags: Happy, Playing, Success

I've just been working hard, trying to get some good stuff to come out.

Tags: Good, Hard, Trying

I've seen the bottom and I know the difference between good golf and bad golf.

Tags: Bad, Between, Good

It's a silly old game.

Tags: Game, Old, Silly
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