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Boobs Quotes

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I am very curvy, so the vintage stores suit me better than most designers. I just can't seem to give up crisps, or make my boobs shrink for that matter. Alas, I will never fit a size zero.

Tags: Give, Matter, Seem  ✍ Author: Marina and the Diamonds

Like, if you look at Heidi Montag, who got 10 surgeries she didn't need, I think that's unfortunate. I've always been voluptuous with a big butt, but didn't have boobs, so I wanted my body balanced out. My nose was fine in real life, but it didn't photograph well, so I had it tweaked for my line of work. I'm very happy with it.

Tags: Happy, Life, Work  ✍ Author: Holly Madison

I do have body-image issues, just like everyone else. I mean, I wish I had bigger boobs. And I hate my butt. I want an onion butt - you know, a butt that'll bring tears to your eyes?

Tags: Eyes, Hate, Mean  ✍ Author: Leslie Bibb

People say, 'You're still breast-feeding, that's so generous.' Generous, no! It gives me boobs and it takes my thighs away! It's sort of like natural liposuction. I'd carry on breast-feeding for the rest of my life if I could.

Tags: Away, Life, Rest  ✍ Author: Helena Bonham Carter

I'm never happy with my face, my hair, I haven't really got any boobs and I'm not really that tall.

Tags: Face, Hair, Happy  ✍ Author: Ellie Goulding

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