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John Lee Hooker Quotes

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I'm John Lee Hooker in the sense that he was a blues man and he played blues his whole life. I'm a rock guy and I'm going to play rock music my whole life.

Tags: Life, Music, Rock  ✍ Author: Sammy Hagar

John Lee Hooker became a friend of mine and I love all of his work. He was truly an icon. He lived the life. I miss him.

Tags: Life, Love, Work  ✍ Author: Mick Fleetwood

People like Howlin' Wolf, Bob Dylan, The Rolling Stones, John Lee Hooker, Nina Simone, Captain Beefheart - all of these artists were what I grew up listening to every day of my life. And there's a very healthy music scene in the west country of England, where I grew up.

Tags: Country, Life, Music  ✍ Author: P. J. Harvey

I've always loved the blues, John Lee Hooker, Janis Joplin, Hendrix.

Tags: Blues, Hendrix, Loved  ✍ Author: Claude Monet

I used to listen to country and western and blues, John Lee Hooker, spirituals, the Bluegrass Boys, and Eddie Arnold. There was a radio station that come on everyday with country, spirituals, and the blues.

Tags: Country, Everyday, Used  ✍ Author: Otis Rush

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