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John Maynard Smith's Quotes

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Born: 1920-01-06
Profession: Scientist
Nation: British
Biography of John Maynard Smith

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John Maynard Smith's quote #1
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John Maynard Smith's quote #3

Genetics is about how information is stored and transmitted between generations.

Tags: Between, Genetics, Stored

I think we invent jargon because it saves times talking to one-another.

Tags: Invent, Talking, Times

Information imposes certain criteria on how it can be stored.

Tags: Criteria, Stored

Language changes very fast.

Tags: Changes, Fast, Language

Societies depend on agreed rules.

Tags: Depend, Rules, Societies

The evolution of sex is the hardest problem in evolutionary biology.

Tags: Biology, Problem, Sex

You couldn't have human society without language.

Tags: Human, Language, Society
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