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Remember When Quotes

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Remember When quote #2

He who would pass his declining years with honor and comfort, should, when young, consider that he may one day become old, and remember when he is old, that he has once been young.

Tags: May, Remember, Young  ✍ Author: Joseph Addison

I remember when I was in high school I didn't have a new dress for each special occasion. The girls would bring the fact to my attention, not always too delicately. The boys, however, never bothered with the subject. They were my friends, not because of the size of my wardrobe but because they liked me.

Tags: Friends, Remember, School  ✍ Author: Marilyn Monroe

I've been acting since second grade, and I just remember when I first moved to New York and I was living in Washington Heights with three other actors in this tiny apartment and busting my butt to get to the subway, walking to, like, five auditions in a day.

Tags: Acting, Living, Remember  ✍ Author: Anna Camp

I remember when I took the role on E.R., I thought, 'I haven't really been able to play a working class woman. I've played girls, I've played funny, but I haven't played a working class woman. That sounds like something I'd like to do.'

Tags: Funny, Thought, Woman  ✍ Author: Linda Cardellini

You have to remember when we were going once a month, we were putting out issues that were 480 pages, and people were complaining that these were too big, I can't get through a 480 page magazine every month.

Tags: Big, Once, Remember  ✍ Author: James Daly

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Remember When quote #2
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