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Younger People Quotes

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And the political system is changing rapidly in this country, and we better realize that. The elephants or donkeys are not what younger people look to. They look at individual candidates' philosophy, and I think it's a different time and a different generation.

Tags: Philosophy, Political, Time  ✍ Author: Richard M. Daley

Our mission for younger people is to do our best to make exercise cool, hip - the thing to do.

Tags: Best, Cool, Exercise  ✍ Author: Bruce Jenner

Almost every college playwright or sketch or improv comedian was sort of aware of Christopher Durang - even kids in high school. His short plays were so accessible to younger people and I think that was inspirational to me.

Tags: Kids, School, Short  ✍ Author: Mindy Kaling

You see so many movies... the younger people who are coming from MTV or who are coming from commercials and there's no sense of film grammar. There's no real sense of how to tell a story visually. It's just cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, you know, which is pretty easy.

Tags: Movies, Pretty, Real  ✍ Author: Peter Bogdanovich

If younger people see older people who haven't planned ahead and have to rely on charity, the young will be more likely to provide for the future. Today when someone plans poorly, the only consequence people see is a demand for more government.

Tags: Future, Government, Today  ✍ Author: Harry Browne

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