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Basketball Team Quotes

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Basketball Team quote #1
Basketball Team quote #2

In sixth grade, my basketball team made it to the league championships. In double overtime, with three seconds left, I rebounded the ball and passed it - to the wrong team! They scored at the buzzer and we lost the game. To this day, I still have nightmares!

Tags: Basketball, Game, Lost  ✍ Author: Zac Efron

It wasn't until late high school and early college that I gained enough size and skill to make me welcome on intramural basketball teams.

Tags: Basketball, Enough, School  ✍ Author: Paul D. Boyer

When you're picking a basketball team, you'll take the brother over the guy with the yarmulke. Why? Because you're playing the odds.

Tags: Basketball, Team, Why  ✍ Author: Adam Carolla

We're talking about being relevant again. I want the Sixers to be on people's tongues again... I want the Sixers to be the basketball team that people want to see.

Tags: Again, Basketball, Team  ✍ Author: Doug Collins

I tried out for my basketball team every year and I never made it. You had to buy the shoes before you knew if you were on the team because it took a few weeks for them to ship. I bought the shoes every year, never once made the team, had a ton of high school basketball shoes.

Tags: Basketball, School, Team  ✍ Author: Adam DeVine

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Basketball Team quote #2
Basketball Team quote #2
Basketball Team quote #2
Basketball Team quote #2
Basketball Team quote #2

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