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Counting Quotes

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Counting quote #1
Counting quote #2
Counting quote #3

I have nothing to do with counting the votes.

Tags: Votes  ✍ Author: Kenneth Blackwell

I'm not counting any chickens.

Tags: Chickens  ✍ Author: Jeff Bridges

Simultaneous recording with superimposed ionization chambers and Wilson chambers, ionization chambers and sets of counting tubes, has not yet been carried out.

Tags: Carried, Recording  ✍ Author: Victor Francis Hess

Counting in octal is just like counting in decimal, if you don't use your .

 ✍ Author: Tom Lehrer

I vowed I would do everything I could to stop the Isle of Man counting towards the world championship. And it was stopped, so they love me in the Isle of Man.

Tags: Love, Stop  ✍ Author: Barry Sheene

It's not the voting that's democracy, it's the counting.

Tags: Democracy, Voting  ✍ Author: Alfred Emanuel Smith

When you're on your deathbed, you probably aren't counting the movies you've made.

Tags: Deathbed, Movies  ✍ Author: Kristen Wiig

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Counting quote #3
Counting quote #3
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