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Disgruntled Quotes

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Disgruntled quote #2

Apparently, there's this whole set of disgruntled people but obviously it's not my intention to offend anyone by changing the style of music that I've done.

Tags: Done, Music, Whole  ✍ Author: Jonny Lang

Workers insist that they are not disgruntled. They are very gruntled.

Tags: Insist, Workers  ✍ Author: Kevin Nealon

It's always that tricky thing with a remake, especially when it's something that's well loved. You're coming to something that has a built-in fascination, but with that comes people ready to feel disgruntled that it's being remade at all.

Tags: Coming, Loved, Ready  ✍ Author: David Tennant

If things are going well, if the writing's coming along, I jump out of bed happy. And if the previous day has been bad, I get out of bed disgruntled.

Tags: Bad, Happy, Writing  ✍ Author: Robert Caro

Dear disgruntled artists: the key to success isn't kicking down the door; it's building your own.

Tags: Artists, Door, Success  ✍ Author: Brian Celio

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