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John Mccain Quotes

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John Mccain quote #2

Sarah Palin lacked the preparation or temperament to be one heartbeat away from the presidency, but what she possessed in abundance was the ability to inflame political passions and energize the John McCain campaign with star quality.

Tags: Away, Political, She  ✍ Author: Roger Ebert

John McCain... looks like a fraud to me.

Tags: Fraud, John, Looks  ✍ Author: Young Jeezy

If George W. Bush is the kind of person folks might like to have a beer with, John McCain is the guy you pray you don't get seated next to at a dinner party.

Tags: Beer, Might, Next  ✍ Author: Ellen Malcolm

In politics there are some candidates who use change to promote their careers, and then there are those like John McCain who use their careers to promote change.

Tags: Change, Politics, Promote  ✍ Author: Sarah Palin

For a season, a gifted speaker can inspire with his words, but for a lifetime John McCain has inspired with his deeds.

Tags: Deeds, Inspired, Words  ✍ Author: Sarah Palin

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John Mccain quote #2
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John Mccain quote #2
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