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Joker Quotes

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Joker quote #2

Once you realize that everyone is in the same boat, that everyone is just as insecure and childlike as everyone else, that all these jokers in D.C. ruining our world are just greedy kids grabbing for marbles - I think that realization means you're an adult.

Tags: Else, Everyone, Insecure  ✍ Author: Conor Oberst

People who know me , they know I have a sense of humor, I'm a bit of a joker, a bit of a clown really, and I would love someone to exploit that side of me and send me a romantic comedy.

Tags: Humor, Love, Romantic  ✍ Author: Gary Oldman

Elvis was, at least the times I was around him, Elvis was a practical joker. He was always, had some little mischievous something going.

Tags: Him, Practical, Times  ✍ Author: Jackie DeShannon

I'm a traveling practical joker. That's my line of work.

Tags: Line, Practical, Work  ✍ Author: Colin Mochrie

So once I thought of the villain with a sense of humor, I began to think of a name and the name "the Joker" immediately came to mind. There was the association with the Joker in the deck of cards, and I probably yelled literally, 'Eureka!' because I knew I had the name and the image at the same time.

Tags: Humor, Mind, Time  ✍ Author: Jerry Robinson

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