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Josh Trank's Quotes

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Born: 1984-02-19
Profession: Director
Nation: American
Biography of Josh Trank

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Josh Trank's quote #6

By the way, I have had zero press training.

Tags: Press, Training, Zero

Filmmakers have to really find a unique take on something if they're going to explore an already-explored genre of movies.

Tags: Explore, Movies, Unique

I don't read Twitter.

Tags: Read, Twitter

I feel like we're going to see a lot more movies that mix documentary style with fiction, more along the lines of 'District 9.'

Tags: Along, Movies, Style

I grew up in the '90s, and I loved Nirvana.

Tags: Loved, Nirvana

I'm a believer that you shouldn't really talk about the drawing until you're done with the drawing.

Tags: Done, Talk, Until

There are as many great superhero movies as there are comedies and dramas and cartoons. People just want to see good movies.

Tags: Good, Great, Movies

To me the most important thing is a good story, though I know how cliche that sounds.

Tags: Good, Story, Though

Because videogames are so inherently influenced by movies, to take a movie and literally create a videogame out of it, you're immediately setting limitations and expectations on what that game can be.

Tags: Game, Movie, Movies

I'm a believer in just open, free-form creativity, and you never know the surprises that life has in store, and that, purely on a creative level, there's no such thing as rules.

Tags: Creative, Creativity, Life

In older science fiction stories, they had to rely on storytelling as opposed to spectacle. The old run of the 'Twilight Zone,' the star was the writing and the storytelling, and the characters and the twists and the cleverness in the setup and payoff and execution.

Tags: Old, Science, Writing

Most superheroes are painted with a specific moral objective that makes them who they are. And that moral objective influences everything they do, so there's an expectation for what you're going to see out of a certain character.

Tags: Character, Makes, Moral
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