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Mimi Rogers's Quotes

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Born: 1956-01-27
Profession: Actress
Nation: American
Biography of Mimi Rogers

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Mimi Rogers's quote #1
Mimi Rogers's quote #2

He was seriously thinking of becoming a monk. He thought he had to be celibate to maintain the purity of his instrument, but my instrument needed tuning, and we had to split.

Tags: Seriously, Thinking, Thought

I've always wanted to perform on the London stage.

Tags: London, Stage, Wanted

The only problem in the past has been my kids. I'd want to bring them to London with me, but they are at an important stage in high school.

Tags: Past, Problem, School

OK, he and Katie fell in love, they're getting married. Why is this in the news? Why is this a big deal? Is there something unusual about meeting someone and falling in love?

Tags: Love, Someone, Why
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