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Robin Leach's Quotes

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Born: 1941-08-29
Profession: Writer
Nation: English
Biography of Robin Leach

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Robin Leach's quote #5

In Italy, they add work and life on to food and wine.

Tags: Food, Life, Work

It is usually people in the money business, finance, and international trade that are really rich.

Tags: Business, Finance, Money

Celebrities are nowhere as rich as some people think they are.

Tags: Nowhere, Rich

I like to see things start, grow, and then move on to better things.

Tags: Grow, Move, Start

Travel is very subjective. What one person loves, another loathes.

Tags: Another, Loves, Travel

I am a creator of TV shows. 'Lifestyle' ran for 14 years... that was pleasurable. We also had 'Runaway' for eight years. We did two years of a show called 'The Start of Something Big', and we did a network series called 'Fame, Fortune and Romance.'

Tags: Big, Show, Start

I built the ideal house down in the Caribbean. All Englishmen dream of leaving the rain of England and getting a place in the sun - out in the grounds with separate guest houses; that is the ideal scenario.

Tags: Leaving, Rain, Sun

Travel is very subjective. What one person loves, another loathes. I would say a private paradise in the Caribbean. If you want culture and class, I would say Tuscany. If you want exotic, I would say Bangkok, Thailand.

Tags: Another, Culture, Travel

When I interview people, and they give me an immediate answer, they're often not thinking. So I'm silent. I wait. Because they think they have to keep answering. And it's the second train of thought that's the better answer.

Tags: Give, Thinking, Thought

Whoever would have guessed that in the land of cheap sausages and mashed potatoes there could be such a change which would actually bring the French from Paris every weekend to invade Britain en masse to eat great food and drink great wine.

Tags: Change, Food, Great
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