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Younger Brother Quotes

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As I have discovered by examining my past, I started out as a child. Coincidentally, so did my brother. My mother did not put all her eggs in one basket, so to speak: she gave me a younger brother named Russell, who taught me what was meant by 'survival of the fittest.'

Tags: Mother, Past, Put  ✍ Author: Bill Cosby

The short story is still like the novel's wayward younger brother, we know that it's not respectable - but I think that can also add to the glory of it.

Tags: Brother, Short, Story  ✍ Author: Neil Gaiman

My husband and I had to raise five of my younger brothers and sisters. They lived with us. We sent them to school.

Tags: Five, Husband, School  ✍ Author: Dolly Parton

I feel like I'm really blessed and lucky that I have a very good social life outside of the gym, and I have a really amazing family. My parents are so supportive. I have a younger brother and two younger sisters, and they're really awesome. So I feel like I get the best of both worlds.

Tags: Family, Good, Life  ✍ Author: Aly Raisman

The African is my brother but he is my younger brother by several centuries.

Tags: African, Brother, Younger  ✍ Author: Albert Schweitzer

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