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Entitlement Quotes

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Entitlement quote #1
Entitlement quote #2

We as Republicans understand that we have got to protect these... entitlement programs - these entitlement programs for our seniors today. And we have to sit down and have a discussion. We need more ideas on the table.

Tags: Ideas, Today, Understand  ✍ Author: Eric Cantor

Entitlement is the opposite of enchantment.

Tags: Opposite  ✍ Author: Guy Kawasaki

I think that retiring the baby boomers is going to be one of the great challenges in America, that you cannot make fiscal sense out of the future of our children without taking on entitlements.

Tags: Children, Future, Great  ✍ Author: Richard Lamm

For the past two years, President Obama has promised our children the moon, stars, rainbows, unicorns and universal health care for all. But the White House Santa's cradle-to-grave entitlement mandates are a spectacularly predictable bust.

Tags: Care, Health, Past  ✍ Author: Michelle Malkin

And in terms of entitlement reforms, we have to save them from themselves, because if we don't reform social security and we don't reform Medicare, they're going to actually implode.

Tags: Actually, Social, Themselves  ✍ Author: Ben Quayle

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