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Disconcerting Quotes

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Disconcerting quote #1
Disconcerting quote #2

I do find it a bit disconcerting when your name becomes a brand.

Tags: Bit, Brand, Name  ✍ Author: Sophie Ellis Bextor

If you went to Harvard Medical School, chances are you'll be a doctor at some place. There's a career trajectory. Acting, there's nothing. It's constantly trying to procure jobs - it's very disconcerting.

Tags: Career, Medical, School  ✍ Author: Jesse Eisenberg

The shock of the way I mix patterns and fabrics can be disconcerting, but what I am trying to do is provoke new ideas about how pieces can be put together in different ways. I think this is a more modern way to wear clothes that in themselves are fairly classic.

Tags: Put, Together, Trying  ✍ Author: Jean Paul Gaultier

You cannot raise the standard against oppression, or leap into the breach to relieve injustice, and still keep an open mind to every disconcerting fact, or an open ear to the cold voice of doubt.

Tags: Cannot, Doubt, Mind  ✍ Author: Learned Hand

There's something dangerous about what's funny. Jarring and disconcerting. There is a connection between funny and scary.

Tags: Between, Dangerous, Funny  ✍ Author: Christopher Walken

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Disconcerting quote #2
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Disconcerting quote #2
Disconcerting quote #2
Disconcerting quote #2
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