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List of authors quotes by "H"

Some authors have a biography and you can goto by link "profile" for take a look it.
Harvey Cox Harvey Cox - 1929-05-19, Theologian, bio  (19 quotes found)
Hart Crane Hart Crane - 1970-01-01, Poet, bio  (9 quotes found)
Harry Crews Harry Crews - 1935-06-06, Novelist, bio  (5 quotes found)
Herbert Croly Herbert Croly - 1970-01-01, Author, bio  (26 quotes found)
Hansie Cronje Hansie Cronje - 1969-09-25, Athlete, bio  (9 quotes found)
Hume Cronyn Hume Cronyn - 1911-07-18, Actor, bio  (10 quotes found)
Harry Crosby Harry Crosby - 1970-01-01, Writer, bio  (6 quotes found)
Henry Cuellar Henry Cuellar - 1955-09-19, Politician, bio  (9 quotes found)
Harvey Cushing Harvey Cushing - 1970-01-01, Scientist, bio  (5 quotes found)
Henry Ian Cusick Henry Ian Cusick - 1967-04-17, Actor, bio  (88 quotes found)
Hilda Doolittle's quote
Hugh Downs's quote
Harry Essex's quote
Hugh Evans's quote
Henri La Fontaine's quote
Hans Frank's quote
Henry Czerny Henry Czerny - 1959-02-08, Actor, bio  (7 quotes found)
Hope Davis Hope Davis - 1964-03-23, Actress, bio  (32 quotes found)
Humphry Davy Humphry Davy - 1970-01-01, Scientist, bio  (7 quotes found)
Helene Deutsch Helene Deutsch - 1970-01-01, Psychologist, bio  (2 quotes found)
Howard Dietz Howard Dietz - 1970-01-01, Musician, bio  (5 quotes found)
Henry Austin Dobson Henry Austin Dobson - 1970-01-01, Poet, bio  (2 quotes found)
Harold W. Dodds Harold W. Dodds - 1970-01-01, Educator, bio  (3 quotes found)
Henry Dodge Henry Dodge - 1970-01-01, Politician, bio  (2 quotes found)
Heather Donahue Heather Donahue - 1974-12-22, Actress, bio  (16 quotes found)
Hilda Doolittle Hilda Doolittle - 1970-01-01, Poet, bio  (1 quotes found)
Howie Dorough Howie Dorough - 1973-08-22, Musician, bio  (2 quotes found)
Hugh Douglas Hugh Douglas - 1971-08-23, Athlete, bio  (1 quotes found)
Hugh Downs Hugh Downs - 1921-02-14, Entertainer, bio  (3 quotes found)
Henry Drummond Henry Drummond - 1970-01-01, Writer, bio  (13 quotes found)
Haylie Duff Haylie Duff - 1985-02-19, Actress, bio  (4 quotes found)
Hilary Duff Hilary Duff - 1987-09-28, Actress, bio  (36 quotes found)
Helen Dunmore Helen Dunmore - 1952-12-02, Poet, bio  (28 quotes found)
Harlan Ellison Harlan Ellison - 1934-05-27, Writer, bio  (7 quotes found)
Hope Emerson Hope Emerson - 1970-01-01, Actress, bio  (1 quotes found)
Hans Magnus Enzensberger Hans Magnus Enzensberger - 1929-11-11, Author, bio  (2 quotes found)
Harry Essex Harry Essex - 1910-11-29, Writer, bio  (2 quotes found)
Harold Evans Harold Evans - 1928-06-28, Journalist, bio  (8 quotes found)
Hugh Evans Hugh Evans - 1983-03-04, Leader, bio  (7 quotes found)
Hans Eysenck Hans Eysenck - 1916-03-04, Psychologist, bio  (7 quotes found)
Helen Fielding Helen Fielding - 1958-02-19, Author, bio  (18 quotes found)
Henry Fielding Henry Fielding - 1970-01-01, Novelist, bio  (41 quotes found)
Howard Finster Howard Finster - 1916-12-02, Artist, bio  (12 quotes found)
Harvey S. Firestone Harvey S. Firestone - 1970-01-01, Businessman, bio  (12 quotes found)
Heinz Fischer Heinz Fischer - 1938-10-09, Statesman, bio  (2 quotes found)
Hamilton Fish Hamilton Fish - 1970-01-01, Politician, bio  (1 quotes found)
Henry Flagler Henry Flagler - 1970-01-01, Businessman, bio  (6 quotes found)
Henri La Fontaine Henri La Fontaine - 1970-01-01, Lawyer, bio  (3 quotes found)
Harold Ford, Jr. Harold Ford, Jr. - 1970-05-11, Politician, bio  (25 quotes found)
Harry Emerson Fosdick Harry Emerson Fosdick - 1970-01-01, Clergyman, bio  (29 quotes found)
Henry Fox Henry Fox - 1970-01-01, Statesman, bio  (2 quotes found)
Hans Frank Hans Frank - 1970-01-01, Public Servant, bio  (25 quotes found)
Helen Frankenthaler Helen Frankenthaler - 1928-12-12, Artist, bio  (9 quotes found)
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Moment of love

Love you will find only where you may show yourself weak without provoking strength.

 ✍ Author: Theodor Adorno

Moment of joy

A contented mind is the greatest blessing a man can enjoy in this world.

 ✍ Author: Joseph Addison

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