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List of authors quotes by "J"

Some authors have a biography and you can goto by link "profile" for take a look it.
Joseph Fiennes Joseph Fiennes - 1970-05-27, Actor, bio  (16 quotes found)
Jennie Finch Jennie Finch - 1980-09-03, Athlete, bio  (28 quotes found)
Jessica Brown Findlay Jessica Brown Findlay - 1989-09-14, Actress, bio  (34 quotes found)
Jack Finney Jack Finney - 1911-10-02, Author, bio  (2 quotes found)
Jenna Fischer Jenna Fischer - 1974-03-07, Actress, bio  (33 quotes found)
Joschka Fischer Joschka Fischer - 1948-04-12, Politician, bio  (19 quotes found)
Joely Fisher Joely Fisher - 1967-10-29, Actress, bio  (24 quotes found)
John Arbuthnot Fisher John Arbuthnot Fisher - 1970-01-01, Soldier, bio  (7 quotes found)
Jon Fishman Jon Fishman - 1965-02-19, Musician, bio  (21 quotes found)
Janet Fitch Janet Fitch - 1955-11-09, Author, bio  (18 quotes found)
Joe Flanigan's quote
John Fletcher's quote
Just Fontaine's quote
Jorja Fox's quote
Jeff Foxworthy's quote
Jonathan Frid's quote
Jeff Fitzgerald Jeff Fitzgerald - 1966-10-12, Politician, bio  (2 quotes found)
Jeff Flake Jeff Flake - 1962-12-31, Politician, bio  (25 quotes found)
Joe Flanigan Joe Flanigan - 1967-01-05, Actor, bio  (10 quotes found)
Janet Flanner Janet Flanner - 1970-01-01, Journalist, bio  (6 quotes found)
Jennifer Flavin Jennifer Flavin - 1968-08-14, Model, bio  (4 quotes found)
James Van Fleet James Van Fleet - 1970-01-01, Soldier, bio  (1 quotes found)
John Ambrose Fleming John Ambrose Fleming - 1970-01-01, Inventor, bio  (3 quotes found)
John Fletcher John Fletcher - 1970-01-01, Dramatist, bio  (8 quotes found)
Jonathan Safran Foer Jonathan Safran Foer - 1977-02-21, Writer, bio  (89 quotes found)
Joshua Foer Joshua Foer - 1982-09-23, Journalist, bio  (56 quotes found)
John Fogerty John Fogerty - 1945-05-28, Musician, bio  (27 quotes found)
Joan Fontaine Joan Fontaine - 1917-10-22, Actress, bio  (4 quotes found)
Just Fontaine Just Fontaine - 1933-08-18, Athlete, bio  (11 quotes found)
June Foray June Foray - 1917-09-18, Actress, bio  (3 quotes found)
John M. Ford John M. Ford - 1957-04-10, Writer, bio  (16 quotes found)
James Forrestal James Forrestal - 1970-01-01, Public Servant, bio  (12 quotes found)
John Forsythe John Forsythe - 1918-01-29, Actor, bio  (7 quotes found)
John W. Foster John W. Foster - 1970-01-01, Soldier, bio  (7 quotes found)
Jim Fowler Jim Fowler - 1932-04-09, Scientist, bio  (39 quotes found)
John Fowles John Fowles - 1926-03-31, Novelist, bio  (16 quotes found)
Jorja Fox Jorja Fox - 1968-07-07, Actress, bio  (65 quotes found)
Jeff Foxworthy Jeff Foxworthy - 1958-09-06, Comedian, bio  (52 quotes found)
Jamie Foxx Jamie Foxx - 1967-12-13, Actor, bio  (60 quotes found)
James Frain James Frain - 1968-03-14, Actor, bio  (2 quotes found)
Jonathan Frakes Jonathan Frakes - 1952-08-19, Actor, bio  (12 quotes found)
Janet Frame Janet Frame - 1924-08-28, Novelist, bio  (12 quotes found)
James Franco James Franco - 1978-04-19, Actor, bio  (35 quotes found)
John Frankenheimer John Frankenheimer - 1930-02-19, Director, bio  (33 quotes found)
John Hope Franklin John Hope Franklin - 1915-01-02, Historian, bio  (4 quotes found)
Jonathan Franzen Jonathan Franzen - 1959-08-17, Novelist, bio  (22 quotes found)
Jim Fraser Jim Fraser - 1908-02-08, Politician, bio  (1 quotes found)
James G. Frazer James G. Frazer - 1970-01-01, Scientist, bio  (5 quotes found)
Joe Frazier Joe Frazier - 1944-01-12, Athlete, bio  (12 quotes found)
John Charles Fremont John Charles Fremont - 1970-01-01, Soldier, bio  (1 quotes found)
Jacque Fresco Jacque Fresco - 1916-03-13, Inventor, bio  (4 quotes found)
James Frey James Frey - 1969-09-12, Writer, bio  (24 quotes found)
Jonathan Frid Jonathan Frid - 1924-12-02, Actor, bio  (12 quotes found)
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Moment of love

There is only one situation I can think of in which men and women make an effort to read better than they usually do. It is when they are in love and reading a love letter.

 ✍ Author: Mortimer Adler

Moment of joy

Man cannot live without joy; therefore when he is deprived of true spiritual joys it is necessary that he become addicted to carnal pleasures.

 ✍ Author: Maya Angelou

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